The Right Realtor for You
We hand pick the best agent in your area, giving you the best chance to sell your home for the most money, in the least amount of time.
See How We Stack Up:
Market Avg. | Smart Move Guarantee | |
Average Days on Market | 43 | 19 |
% of All Listings Sold | 72% | 92% |
Sale-to-List Ratio | 94% | 99% |
Commission Refund
The best part is, once you’ve closed on your new home you’ll receive a refund of 2.5% to 3% back, that can be used for your new home down payment, closing costs, or even cash back. Our average refund is over $14,000! (See example chart)
Example Refund Chart:
Existing Home Sales Price | Refund to You |
$350,000 | $10,500 |
$500,000 | $15,000 |
$700,000 | $21,000 |
Pack and Move Service
We will relieve you of the hassles, labor and cost of moving by providing you with a professional, licensed moving company to pack your belongings and move them into your new home. If it’s necessary to make an interim move while your new home is being built, then we’ll provide for that as well.
*Pack and Move Service not available in all areas
“"SMA was very significant in our decision to buy a new home. It made the decision a no-brainer by solving the major problems with moving. SMA provided the necessary services and eliminated the hard work & stress of moving and selling our property. Honestly, SMA was the most rewarding experience and saved us lots of money and time. Thank you SMA, we are very happy customers."”
— Ron Drake